Thursday 31 October 2013


Audience feedback


9/12/2013: This is the start of my front cover, I got the title from a website called ' dafont', I really like this title as it represents a quite retro/ Indie style which I hope to implicate in my magazine. Just below the 'N' in my masthead I have added a website address for the magazine, I did this by creating a text box, making the font size very small and moving it using the 'move tool'. It is designed to not stand out, it is just there for added detail. I have done the same type of thing for the top right hand side of the 'N', I have added the Article number and date of the article.
The barcode in the bottom right of the page is just one that I gathered from a google search. I have placed it out of the way so it doesn't obstruct the coverstar when I put him on the magazine at a later date. The writing on top of the barcode is also for 'Added detail' purpose, it states the price of the magazine.

The Skyline at the top left of the page, is designed to be a reason to buy the magazine. I experimented with different colours to use, to make the text stand out more as it is an incentive, however I think the colours when well/ didn't look as professional as the black.

 10/12/2013: The changes i have made to my front cover design are that i have changed the colours of the text around the 'N' of siren and the text above the the masthead to red, i have done this because otherwise the magazine cover would look dull with just one colour.
I have also added the main cover line into the center of the page placed where the coverstar will go. I have used his name in the black coloured font and the tag line is in red to stand out.

 13/12/2013: I have added sub headings based around the outside of the front cover, the text i have used is 'Sakkal Majalla', the font size i have used is 20 as i want the subheadings to stand out to the readers. I want it to be able to catch there eyes as they pass in a shop.


20/01/2014: This is my almost finished front cover, in this one i have added my cover star. Due to the background being dark i had to change the font colour on the black text to white so that it was easier to read, however i still need to change the actual text so that it grabs the audiences attention more. I also need to change the puff into a shape that doesn't take up a lot of the page, because at the moment is drawing attention away from the mast head which is a negative. My cover star needs to be lowered as he covering the first 3 letters of my masthead.

03/02/2014: Unfortunately due to a technological error my front cover development all formed into one layer leaving me unable to edit my magazine front cover further. Therefore i had to start the magazine again.


11/02/2014: I changed the pervious photograph to this one where the cover star is addressing the audience with eye contact to the camera. I have also added the cover title over the cover star but not so it covers him completely.
12/02/2014: I have added the masthead to front cover, in order to add this and place it behind the cover stars head I had to cut the cover stars head off and place it over the title. I have also added a puff to draw attention to the magazine.                                     

12/02/2014: Here I have added the cover lines, I have used red text to make sure the cover lines stand out and catch the eyes of the readers. I have also added a barcode and text such as the magazine webpage and the date to the 'N' on the masthead to make the magazine look authentic. I have also added a the skyline and banner.

14/02/2014: To finish the production I have added text to the skyline and banner, ' free Jake Bugg poster' and 'My morning jacket CD inside' this is to further grab the audiences attention.


13/12/13: This is my contents page, I am creating it on quark. The first thing I did was create a text box for the title ' CONTENTS'. The text is basic Arial, with a font sizes of 72. I have placed it in the top centre of the page.

13/12/13: after adding the title I added the articles, I positioned them on the left hand side, I did this so that the articles would be the first thing the readers read. I have left the right hand side for other things such as images and a competition.

7/01/2014: here i have added little details to the contents page, to get it away from looking like a simple contents page, to a more unique contents page. Such as the text i have used of 'dafont' for my title, which is what makes the magazine different to any other, i have used it in some sections of text like the section introducing all the articles. I have also placed a magazine website page in the bottom right corner

8/2/2014: Here I have added a black background to follow the colour scheme of my product I have also added information to my articles to tell the audience in more detail what the article is about. I have also added pictures to make the contents page look more interesting and less bland. With this I have also include a red rectangle behind the 'Contents' which is in white text, here lye all of my colour scheme. I have also added sections to split the text on the page up.

20/02/2014: I have created three text box's for the interview in the article on the left hand side of the page, I have also created a textbox with larger font for the title of the article.

20/02/2014: I then added another textbox for the pull quote above the interview I  the article and have used the rectangle tool to create the two stripes on the left page, this is too make the magazine article less bland.
20/02/2014: here I have added the picture that takes up half the page and the smaller image in the bottom right hand side. I have also changed the position of the title and also evened out the interview.


Rough layout of DPS



This is my contact sheet for all the photos I have taken  for my magazine. Only a selected few   will be used in the magazine due to the standard of them, for example they may be the best           photos or it could be that a lot of the photos don’t fit in the magazine well.


Article research

Questions for Double Page Spread

Planning production

 Rough sketches of designs

Publication plan

Audience research- Results and conslusions


Tuesday 29 October 2013

Analysis of double page spread articles


Analysis of profesional contents page

Analysis of professional magazine covers

Intial plans for my magazine

My magazine will cost the price of £2.50 as most indie rock magazines charge higher than this, so if I sell the magazine at a lower price it is more likely to sell.

Frequency of publications, the magazine will be published once every week, weekly. Have a chosen to do this as if something was to happen in the music industry the magazine could cover it in the following week.

The magazine will contain 40 pages, this is such a small number because if I am covering
in content every week I will have to save some stories just invade there is no stories the week after.

Regular content will include interviews, quizzes, top songs of the week, up coming gigs, review sections, incentives, gig disasters, cover stars.

Feature articles can include anything from posters, free tickets, free album, exclusive interviews.
such as, 'new stars', 'top 10 albums of the year','best vocalist', 'most awards', 'most influential musicians', ' best guitarists', 'most number 1 singles in the past 10 years',' best drummer', ' most influenced indie- rock band'.

Researching the market place

initial ideas

The type of music magazine I plan to do is an Indie Rock magazine. I have chosen this because I feel as if this genre most suits me therefore I will enjoy creating it a lot more than any other music magazine. Another reason I have chosen to do an Indie Rock magazine is because I feel that the majority of my age group (13- 19) are into this music also, this should give me an advantage as I will know/ understand what they will want to see in the magazine because I too will want that.

The target audience for my Magazine is roughly for teenagers to young adults ( 14-24 years old). A great advantage of this is because i am in that age group i can relate the the audience very well. Also if i am unsure of what the target audience will want in a certain part of the magazine, i can just ask friends what they would like. This gives me a better and more openminded view than if i just created the magazine the way i would want it because, the likelihood is that not everyone is going to like what i like and other people are going to have different opinions on things

Monday 28 October 2013

Conventions of front cover of music magazines

The following are examples of Music magazines that are currently in circulation in the UK:
Rock sound
Rolling stone
Top of the pops

The following are Conventions of music magazines, you would expect to see them on all music magazines:
Web address
Free stuff

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Evaluation Of College Magazine

Overall I have differed from my initial plan. I have changed the main image of the front cover. My first idea for the photo would have been a student who was very stressed out as it went with my masthead, ' How to manage your revision'. However as I thought more about the purpose of the magazine I soon realized that a student looking depressed and upset about college work would not draw the readers attention as it was a college magazine.

Codes and conventions:
For the front cover i feel like i have followed codes and conventions very well, I have used coverlines that I feel will hook the reader into buying the college magazine, also I have used a puff advertising a free pen give away with subscription. I have used a medium close up shot for the front cover and used the image for roughly most of the page. My main coverline goes across the image of the model but does not cover the face, the main coverline anchors the meaning of my image to an extent.My skyline advertises the fact it is a Priestley magazine
My contents page is set out in 2 columns the left hand side is for the articles in the magazine and there page numbers the right hand side is for some image. The image I have on my contents page anchors to one of the articles, 'clean up' and I have a picture of a bin with the Priestley logo on it.

Media technology: 
I used photoshop to create/edit my front cover, i used multiple layers so that I could take screenshots for my process of making it and most importantly to move the certain layers around if I didnt feel like they were in the right place. I placed my text layers above my images so that non of the text was covered by the images. I used quark to make my contents page as it has the best formats and is more organized than it would have been on photoshop, due to the use of columns.

For my next magazine I will be more prepared in terms of planning and I will think more carefully about what I am going to do as i feel that my content page was a bit rushed and not done as well as possible if I had more time.

Production Of College Magazine Contents Page

 This is the basic set up i used on quark, A4 paper with two columns.I selected the two columns as i felt that three was too much, and two was just enough for images and the text. This is how i planned the contents to look so far.

I then added the title ' contents' in the center and in a bigger text and bold font so it stood out. Also i included my page titles and the page numbers in  the place where i planned to put them.
  I did this by creating two text boxes, one for the articles and another for the page numbers. One of the problems i had was making enough articles to fill one side of the page.

 I added a Light cyan colour to the background as this is the main theme colour of the magazine because it the college colours. I also believe it is not as boring as a white background.

I then added my main images to the contents page, this included a picture of a litter bin and a building outside of Priestley college. Overall nothing has changed from my contents plan apart from the image order.

Production Of College Magazine Front Cover

My final front cover differed from my rough layout, with small things from the puff being on the other side of the page to quite significant things like the header being in a different position.

First of all i added a picture of Sean to the canvas to be the model for the front cover. I cut him out of the background using photoshop so that i could have a white background. The model is not doing the same pose as what i put down in my plan purely for the reason that the pose i had intended him to do would not have pulled the readers in.


 I then added a white background to the page and a puff with the colours blue and a black boarder. I created the puff so that i would go on top of the image so that all of it would show and none of the puff would be cut off. To create the puff tool i used the 'custom shape tool' and used the colour too too fill it so that it wasn't a white puff.

I added a masthead over Sean, i made sure that the masthead was in the largest font out of all the other text so that it stood out the most. I also use an outline tool to make a black outline over the masthead so it stood out even more then a main cover line and a cove line. The main coverline stands out more than the normal coverlines. I have placed it on the main image but not so it obstructs the image.

i then added the skyline and a banner including the price and bar code. Overall the image has change from what i intended it to be on the plan as it was not suitable. The main coverline has changed so that it anchored the image and the position has also changed because it was too close to the mast head

Final Images For College Magazine

Here is a picture i used for my front cover. To edit the image i cut around his head to get the background off, so that the colour of the front cover would show.

Photographs For College Magazine

Rough Layout Of Contents Page

Planning Content

Content, There will be a further insight to what there is on the front cover, i.e. 'HOW TO MANAGE REVSION'. The content page will also include different articles like, 'Ways to success in Priestley college' and it will include an interview with a teacher. 'Latest films: must watch', '5 ways to stay in shape throughout winter', 'What is the most popular genre in Priestley?', 'extra curricula activities',
I will use an image of Priestley college, Pictures of the latest film covers, An image of  PIE chart to the most liked and the less liked genera of music and film.

Rough Layout Of Front Cover

Plans For The Front Cover

Title for college magazine: Priestley People, College Diary
Mise-en-scene for front cover: HOW TO MANAGE REVISION. Student stressed out from revision. He will be identified as a student due to the outfit he will be wearing.The actor will be surrounded in books with a stressed out/ worked up expression.The photo will be taken in a bright lighted area as it is a magazine for college students so it shouldn't be dark. Colour theme of the magazine will be mainly blue and white as these are the Priestley college colours.Props will be basic school stationeries; pencils, pens, folders.The camera shot that I will use will be a high angle, medium close up. Coverlines for the front cover, the text for the coverlines will be placed around the the the main image. The type of covelines i will include will be ones that college students can relate to and want to read; The films of the week, Eating healthy;