Tuesday 29 October 2013

Intial plans for my magazine

My magazine will cost the price of £2.50 as most indie rock magazines charge higher than this, so if I sell the magazine at a lower price it is more likely to sell.

Frequency of publications, the magazine will be published once every week, weekly. Have a chosen to do this as if something was to happen in the music industry the magazine could cover it in the following week.

The magazine will contain 40 pages, this is such a small number because if I am covering
in content every week I will have to save some stories just invade there is no stories the week after.

Regular content will include interviews, quizzes, top songs of the week, up coming gigs, review sections, incentives, gig disasters, cover stars.

Feature articles can include anything from posters, free tickets, free album, exclusive interviews.
such as, 'new stars', 'top 10 albums of the year','best vocalist', 'most awards', 'most influential musicians', ' best guitarists', 'most number 1 singles in the past 10 years',' best drummer', ' most influenced indie- rock band'.

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