Thursday 31 October 2013


9/12/2013: This is the start of my front cover, I got the title from a website called ' dafont', I really like this title as it represents a quite retro/ Indie style which I hope to implicate in my magazine. Just below the 'N' in my masthead I have added a website address for the magazine, I did this by creating a text box, making the font size very small and moving it using the 'move tool'. It is designed to not stand out, it is just there for added detail. I have done the same type of thing for the top right hand side of the 'N', I have added the Article number and date of the article.
The barcode in the bottom right of the page is just one that I gathered from a google search. I have placed it out of the way so it doesn't obstruct the coverstar when I put him on the magazine at a later date. The writing on top of the barcode is also for 'Added detail' purpose, it states the price of the magazine.

The Skyline at the top left of the page, is designed to be a reason to buy the magazine. I experimented with different colours to use, to make the text stand out more as it is an incentive, however I think the colours when well/ didn't look as professional as the black.

 10/12/2013: The changes i have made to my front cover design are that i have changed the colours of the text around the 'N' of siren and the text above the the masthead to red, i have done this because otherwise the magazine cover would look dull with just one colour.
I have also added the main cover line into the center of the page placed where the coverstar will go. I have used his name in the black coloured font and the tag line is in red to stand out.

 13/12/2013: I have added sub headings based around the outside of the front cover, the text i have used is 'Sakkal Majalla', the font size i have used is 20 as i want the subheadings to stand out to the readers. I want it to be able to catch there eyes as they pass in a shop.


20/01/2014: This is my almost finished front cover, in this one i have added my cover star. Due to the background being dark i had to change the font colour on the black text to white so that it was easier to read, however i still need to change the actual text so that it grabs the audiences attention more. I also need to change the puff into a shape that doesn't take up a lot of the page, because at the moment is drawing attention away from the mast head which is a negative. My cover star needs to be lowered as he covering the first 3 letters of my masthead.

03/02/2014: Unfortunately due to a technological error my front cover development all formed into one layer leaving me unable to edit my magazine front cover further. Therefore i had to start the magazine again.


11/02/2014: I changed the pervious photograph to this one where the cover star is addressing the audience with eye contact to the camera. I have also added the cover title over the cover star but not so it covers him completely.
12/02/2014: I have added the masthead to front cover, in order to add this and place it behind the cover stars head I had to cut the cover stars head off and place it over the title. I have also added a puff to draw attention to the magazine.                                     

12/02/2014: Here I have added the cover lines, I have used red text to make sure the cover lines stand out and catch the eyes of the readers. I have also added a barcode and text such as the magazine webpage and the date to the 'N' on the masthead to make the magazine look authentic. I have also added a the skyline and banner.

14/02/2014: To finish the production I have added text to the skyline and banner, ' free Jake Bugg poster' and 'My morning jacket CD inside' this is to further grab the audiences attention.


13/12/13: This is my contents page, I am creating it on quark. The first thing I did was create a text box for the title ' CONTENTS'. The text is basic Arial, with a font sizes of 72. I have placed it in the top centre of the page.

13/12/13: after adding the title I added the articles, I positioned them on the left hand side, I did this so that the articles would be the first thing the readers read. I have left the right hand side for other things such as images and a competition.

7/01/2014: here i have added little details to the contents page, to get it away from looking like a simple contents page, to a more unique contents page. Such as the text i have used of 'dafont' for my title, which is what makes the magazine different to any other, i have used it in some sections of text like the section introducing all the articles. I have also placed a magazine website page in the bottom right corner

8/2/2014: Here I have added a black background to follow the colour scheme of my product I have also added information to my articles to tell the audience in more detail what the article is about. I have also added pictures to make the contents page look more interesting and less bland. With this I have also include a red rectangle behind the 'Contents' which is in white text, here lye all of my colour scheme. I have also added sections to split the text on the page up.

20/02/2014: I have created three text box's for the interview in the article on the left hand side of the page, I have also created a textbox with larger font for the title of the article.

20/02/2014: I then added another textbox for the pull quote above the interview I  the article and have used the rectangle tool to create the two stripes on the left page, this is too make the magazine article less bland.
20/02/2014: here I have added the picture that takes up half the page and the smaller image in the bottom right hand side. I have also changed the position of the title and also evened out the interview.


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