Tuesday 1 October 2013

Production Of College Magazine Front Cover

My final front cover differed from my rough layout, with small things from the puff being on the other side of the page to quite significant things like the header being in a different position.

First of all i added a picture of Sean to the canvas to be the model for the front cover. I cut him out of the background using photoshop so that i could have a white background. The model is not doing the same pose as what i put down in my plan purely for the reason that the pose i had intended him to do would not have pulled the readers in.


 I then added a white background to the page and a puff with the colours blue and a black boarder. I created the puff so that i would go on top of the image so that all of it would show and none of the puff would be cut off. To create the puff tool i used the 'custom shape tool' and used the colour too too fill it so that it wasn't a white puff.

I added a masthead over Sean, i made sure that the masthead was in the largest font out of all the other text so that it stood out the most. I also use an outline tool to make a black outline over the masthead so it stood out even more then a main cover line and a cove line. The main coverline stands out more than the normal coverlines. I have placed it on the main image but not so it obstructs the image.

i then added the skyline and a banner including the price and bar code. Overall the image has change from what i intended it to be on the plan as it was not suitable. The main coverline has changed so that it anchored the image and the position has also changed because it was too close to the mast head

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