Tuesday 1 October 2013

Evaluation Of College Magazine

Overall I have differed from my initial plan. I have changed the main image of the front cover. My first idea for the photo would have been a student who was very stressed out as it went with my masthead, ' How to manage your revision'. However as I thought more about the purpose of the magazine I soon realized that a student looking depressed and upset about college work would not draw the readers attention as it was a college magazine.

Codes and conventions:
For the front cover i feel like i have followed codes and conventions very well, I have used coverlines that I feel will hook the reader into buying the college magazine, also I have used a puff advertising a free pen give away with subscription. I have used a medium close up shot for the front cover and used the image for roughly most of the page. My main coverline goes across the image of the model but does not cover the face, the main coverline anchors the meaning of my image to an extent.My skyline advertises the fact it is a Priestley magazine
My contents page is set out in 2 columns the left hand side is for the articles in the magazine and there page numbers the right hand side is for some image. The image I have on my contents page anchors to one of the articles, 'clean up' and I have a picture of a bin with the Priestley logo on it.

Media technology: 
I used photoshop to create/edit my front cover, i used multiple layers so that I could take screenshots for my process of making it and most importantly to move the certain layers around if I didnt feel like they were in the right place. I placed my text layers above my images so that non of the text was covered by the images. I used quark to make my contents page as it has the best formats and is more organized than it would have been on photoshop, due to the use of columns.

For my next magazine I will be more prepared in terms of planning and I will think more carefully about what I am going to do as i feel that my content page was a bit rushed and not done as well as possible if I had more time.

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